Whatever career you are into, expanding your international network has a great importance for university students, as a reason to travel or as a future business opportunity.
By studying abroad, you have the chance to learn or improve at least one foreign language and take in the culture of a new country.
Here are some reasons why studying abroad will be the greatest decision of your life!
1. Travelling the World
This might be the most important reason to consider a study abroad program: you’ll have the opportunity to live in a new country, experience a brand-new culture, food and traditions. Moreover, by staying there, you will get to travel for sure, not only throughout this land, but also to the neighbouring nations (probably for cheap prices!).
2. Education
Investing on your future is one of the biggest step to take at a young age. By enrolling in a university in a foreign country or in a study abroad short term program, such as the Erasmus+, you will experience a different education style. A new kind of classes, different procedures to carry out and pass the tests, interesting project works with the classmates, a completely new university social life and much more.
All this, mixed up with your previous educational knowledge given by your home country, will make you an empowered student, person and worker. Therefore, education definitely is a reason for studying abroad.
3. Job opportunities
Once you complete your study abroad program there are several ways to keep your career international. Due to your new perspectives, language skills and open-mindedness, you will be an attractive catch for future employers. One of the scenarios could be that you fall in love with the new country so much that you decide to seek a job there. A second chance could be to apply for internships or job positions in an another foreign country, in order to explore new places and experience new adventures. The third opportunity is to stay in the home country and look for international companies which hire high skilled workers and you could be the perfect candidate!
4. Language skills upgrade
One of the reasons for studying abroad is the big chance to improve your language skills. In many countries around the world English is the second language, that most of the young people speak fluently. But there still are several places where it isn’t taught properly at school. Moreover, a study abroad program will allow you to learn another language, it might be the one of the country that hosts you or the language of your housemates!
Why is it so important? Language is a fuel for our brains, it frames thoughts and define the way we look at the World. According to many studies, there are clear and very tangible benefits to being bilingual (or multilingual): it seems to keep our brains fit and more resilient. Moreover, the economic benefits are substantial and speaking more languages also makes us more open-minded and helps us feel more connected to other cultures and to the world.
5. Meeting a new culture (or more)
Most of the students that choose to study in a foreign country are newbies: it means that it’s the first time that they leave their home in order to live alone. Once you arrive in the new country, you’ll be fascinated by the new cultural perspective and traditions of all the local folks. Furthermore, you will probably rent a room in a shared flat and this will lead you to get in touch with several new cultures and languages of your housemates.
Whether you will adjust perfectly to the new way of life or it will take some time, one thing is certain: you will end up being way more open-minded. Believe it or not!
6. Discovering more about your personality
Studying abroad allows you to live a completely different lifestyle, compared to the one you have by staying in your home country. You’ll get to know many new activities and interests; you may find some undiscovered talents and passions for sports, arts, languages, entertainment, trips and much more.
This also benefits to your personal development, because you’ll have the chance to explore yourself, all your shades and to test your adaptability to a new environment.
7. Unforgettable experience
Strictly related to the previous point, there’s the life lesson that you’ll experience by living abroad: you have the opportunity to live alone, being independent, test your problem solving skills. It might be overwhelming sometimes, but we swear that it’s going to be useful when it comes to find a job!
And one of the most “romantic” reasons for studying abroad certainly is the many unforgettable memories that you’ll collect. It is one in a lifetime experience that will mark you forever. And once you come back home, you will be committed to push the people around you to do the same.
8. Friends for life
One of the priceless things gained by studying abroad is the several people you are going to meet. Most of them will turn into close friends to share the best memories with, such as funny and awkward moments or emotional ones and a lot of happiness (especially if you are going to share a flat with them).
Whatever path each one of you, guys, is going to take, your lives will be bound together and, in addition to the personal reward, this is an important opportunity to strengthen your international network.