Living in a shared flat can be a great experience, but it can also bring small unexpected problems that require quick solutions. Knowing how to handle these common problems can save you time and money. Here are some tips to keep in mind and be able to solve those little problems that we all have at home.
1. Know the location of the water and gas stopcocks
Uno de los primeros pasos para asegurarte de estar preparado para cualquier emergencia es conocer la ubicación de las llaves de paso de agua y gas en la casa. Estas llaves son importantes en caso de fugas o problemas en las tuberías o el suministro de gas. Asegúrate de que todos los inquilinos sepan dónde están ubicadas y cómo cerrarlas en caso de emergencia.
2. Keep a basic toolkit handy
A small tool kit can be a great help in solving minor problems. Tools such as screwdrivers, spanners, a hammer and a flashlight. These tools will help you tackle simple problems such as a furniture door or a loose lamp.
3. Learn how to reset the leads
Leads trip due to an electrical overload, which is very common if several appliances are switched on at the same time. Know the location of the electrical panel and how to reset the leads. This will allow you to fix minor electrical problems quickly and safely.
4. Bleeding radiators
During cold months, radiators can accumulate air inside, reducing their efficiency. Learn how to bleed radiators to remove trapped air. This ensures that the heating system works optimally, keeping your home warm and cosy.
5. Prevention of pipe blockages
Avoiding blockages in the pipes is important to maintain proper water flow. Remember not to pour grease down the drain and not to flush solid objects down the toilet. Also, use strainers in sinks to catch food waste and prevent it from getting into the pipes.
6. Pest control
Nothing is more unpleasant than an invasion of pests of any kind. To prevent problems with cockroaches, mice or other unwanted insects, be sure to store food securely in airtight containers and seal any cracks or crevices where they can sneak in. If the problem persists, consider contacting a professional extermination service.
In conclusion, living in a shared household can be an exciting experience, but it also brings with it daily challenges. With these tips, you will be better prepared to deal with common issues that may happen. The key is prevention and collaboration between tenants to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. With knowledge and basic tools at your disposal, you can effectively address these issues and make the most of your home-sharing life.