In this articles we suggest you 8 thing to see in Florence in a couple days, to enjoy them to the fullest.
8 places that you can’t miss, if your are really a fan of the architecture and beauty of the Tuscan city.
If you want to be more informed, there is a possibility to book a guided visit where the price isn’t predetermined, where every singolar person decides the amount that believes is adequate for the tour made.
Usually, the princes go from 10€ to 50€, but everybody is free to offer how much they want.
To know more and to book the guided visits, watch the blog “free walking tour”.
- Cathedral of Saint Maria del Fiore
- Baptistery of Saint Giovanni
- Square of Signoria
- Square of Michelangelo
- Church of Saint Maria Novella
- Academy Gallery
- Central Market
- Church Saint Miniato al Monte
Cathedral of Saint Maria del Fiore
The Cathedral is the first place that you must see in Florence, for enthusiasts of the Italian Gothic architecture. The project was realized by Arnolfo di Cambio, and later with the intervention of different artists like Giotto and Brunelleschi, as a matter of fact the Dome of the Cathedral has his name.
Inside, the Cathedral is established by three naves, separated by pillars.
The Cathedral measures 153 meters of length and 38 meters of width.
Baptistery of Saint Giovanni
The Baptistery dedicated to Saint Giovanni, patron of the city of Florence, is located in front of the Cathedral of Saint Maria del Fiore, in the square Saint Giovanni. The particularity of this monument stands in its octagonal map, covered by a wonderful Dome with eight slices that cover the outside followed by a pyramid-shaped roof.
In each of this 8 sides, we can find the 8 doors equivalents.
Square of Signoria
The square of Signoria is one of the most important squares of Florence and is located between Square of Duomo and Arno river.
This square holds different famous monuments, like Palace Vecchio, Loggia of Lanzi, Fountain of Nettuno, Palace Uguccioni and the Court of Mercanzie.
In addition, if you don’t have time or you just prefer to visit the most important museums of the city, this square is an ideal alternative if you are a fanatic of the art and of the sculptures. Here you could enjoy the works exposed in the open air.
Moreover, this square, has the particularity and beauty to receive street artists during the whole year, especially in summer.
Square Michelangelo
Square Michelangelo offers a beautiful panoramic view, giving you the possibility to admire the city of Florence and the Arno river, and it’s a must go to for tourists and native people.
His panoramic view is unique and spectacular, and you would never want to miss it.
For the lovers of art and sculptures, inside of this square you will find a 1:1 copy of the famous “David” sculpture of Michelangelo, in bronze.
If you are going to visit the square, you should include the Garden of Roses as well, another place to visit absolutely before leaving of the city.
How to reach square Michelangelo?
It’s possible to reach the square with a car, by taking the bus number 12/13 from the city center or also with a tourists bus which will let you admire some historical streets of the city center.
The third option and the most recommended one is to walk, as at each step you could discover something from this city.
Church of Saint Maria Novella
The Church of Saint Maria Novella is one of the most important churches that represents the gothic style of Tuscany, in fact was declared a World Heritage Site.
Inside, we can find extraordinary masterpieces, like Trinità of Mosaccio, Crucified of Giotto and Brunelleschi and frescos of Ghirlandaio in shrine.
The facade isn’t only the oldest of the churches in Florence, but also the only one originally designed for the same church.
Academy Gallery
Academy Gallery, cultural space after Uffizi Gallery, is one of the most visited museums of Florence and in the word. The most interesting works, that make this Gallery famous, are those of Michelangelo and the most important is certainly the statue of David.
Divided into 12 rooms and a series of exhibition routes, the Academy Gallery is owned by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.
Central Market
If you search a place where taste a Tuscany lunch, research particularly ingredients or souvenir to take home, Market of Saint Lorenzo is the right place for you! The Market is divided into 2 areas: one is indoors and is known as the Central Market, mainly dedicated to food, and the other is outdoors and extends along the narrow streets surrounding the large building of the Central Market, mainly dedicated to local objects, leather goods, clothes and any kind of souvenirs.
This is excellent place to stop between museums visits.
Church Saint Miniato al Monte
This church is constituted by three naves. The facade of the church is divided in two principal parts. The lower is formed by six semi-column that support 5 arcos: three of these arcos need to include the doorway, whereas the leftover were realized for decorations.
Instead, the above needs to highlight the church, especially his naves.
The external structure of the church, remembers the facade of church of Saint Ambrose.